Welcome to Bod-College, your totally unaccredited, on-line source of possibly higher than usual education, with certainly lower than usual costs, expectations & standards. Just how high & how low the “B-Odd Way” can take you remains to be seen (smelled, felt, heard, & re-imagined), i.e., experienced first-hand by you–as part of how costs are kept so low is relying on the DIYO U System….
Following the D-I-Y-O-U (Do-It-Yourself-Open University) philosophy, you’ll design your own curriculum, teach your own courses, grant your own degrees & issue your own awards & apologies, if any, along with credit for time served. Resemblance to any actual college-level course may be coincidental at best, if not entirely in the eye-ear-nose-&-throat (i.e., mind-soul-spirit-attitude) of the beholder (with the possible exception of certain currently password-protected “rooms” designed with teachers of such courses especially in mind).
There are two kinds of “courses” on the site. Although both are free (completely without monetary cost), one is called FREE KEY & the other REQUEST KEY. FREE KEY can also be called NO KEY, since no keys are required. Courses on password protected pages can be accessed BY REQUEST…. Simply email your request c/o bodlibrary2020@gmail.com with this website’s name & “NOT JUNK” on the subject line. In the email body, indicate which room-key you’d like (i.e., which course) along with some info about yourself & your interest(s).
“Courses” may be of mini, micro & nano varieties. Despite the capacity of information that can fit on today’s digital pinheads, our pinpricks have more limited volume, scope & range, as well as weight, height & density of data. The following free-key mini offering is so free, it needs no key. It will not make you an astro-physicist, or anything else, but may nevertheless tweak your biologically warped & culturally twisted perspective on a few of the most basic fundamentals of apparent existence–like time, space, mind & scale.
Introductory Astro-jerky 001…

Believe it or not, above is the usual image of the supposed universe as a whole in textbooks & talks, purporting to show the 13+billion light-years from the “Big Bang” on the left to us (our now) presumably on the right. But does it really make sense or prove a useful visual conception, or is it mainly misleading on some of the most basic facts & features?
For example, why would time flow “left to right”? What would the real direction of any “big bang” actually be, if not in all directions, presumably putting the conceptualized origin point in the center with the universe subsequently expanded & expanding in all directions out from & around it.
This may seem like a small feature of the visual metaphor, but it has profound implications. For example, the observed expansion of the universe is sometimes compared to the filling of a balloon, with the now akin to the outer membrane, like the skin of a balloon inflating under the accumulating pressure of the cumulative past. The more there is of spacetime, the more it compounds.
In this case, however, our balloon would be inflating not from a skewed direction, but from the center, &/or from countless “centers” elsewhere, more or less everywhere, at once & always, though even the balloon analogy breaks down & becomes inadequate faced with the actual mysteries: e.g., scalability, inner & outer, pre-Planck/ mega-verse, the reconciliation of quantum mechanics & relativity, the nature of mind & life….
Arguably, the conventional visual representation fails all the more dramatically to suggest anything of the true fundamentals, e.g. the nature of the emergent existence, its essential composition & dimensions, let alone any meaning, purpose, functionality of its life &/or of the mind trying to fathom it. Besides the starkly real presence of the mind considering it, also completely lacking from the picture: Chinese egg SCALABILITY at every imaginable point from the pointless quantum realm “outward,” sub-atomic, atomic, molecular, etc., into ever larger & more complex structures to the universe as a conceptual whole.
Also missing from the representation: life as we do & don’t know it & mind as we do & don’t know it, though absolutely everything we contemplate, consider & wonder about (quantum realm to big bang) must be interpreted through & by it. As living creatures, we know most about a very small proportion of what passes for “matter” only by use a mind not included in the picture offered. As little as we understand the essential nature of matter using the mind, we understand even less the place of life & mind in the scheme of what we (think we) find, even their relation with each other.
Also missing from the picture: according to the material physicists own calculations, about 95% of what’s there, making up the universal stuff, of which they call roughly 25 % “dark matter,” meaning completely invisible & of unknown composition, and 70% “dark energy,” equally not directly observable in the ranges & modes looking, but surmised from other accumulated data.
Any attempt to grasp something as basic as structure must presumably consider at least three “levels”–